SAP Business One Integration Hub Connector Series – Part 4: MailChimp

MailChimp is best known as an email automation platform, but it really is much more than that. The company’s all-in-one marketing platform includes a full-scale customer relationship management solution, audience dashboard, segmentation analyzer, and personalisation engine ideal with enterprise capabilities.

It even supports the creation of custom-made landing pages, making MailChimp a viable competitor against HubSpot, GoDaddy, and even Shopify.

Use MailChimp’s marketing platform to integrate email automation into SAP.”

All of these features and functionalities are available through MailChimp’s easy-to-use interface. However, many small and mid-sized businesses need to incorporate MailChimp functionality into their daily processes using a more sophisticated enterprise resource planning solution. This is where the SAP Business One Integration Hub allows users to get the most out of MailChimp while enjoying the powerful capabilities only SAP offers.

1) Open the Configure Menu and Create a Template

Begin at the SAP dashboard and open the Configure menu. Select Create a Template. The next menu will show you your system resource data. On the following screen, you can find document and memory usage data for your SAP instance.

2) Select MailChimp in the Template Screen

The template list includes every API that supports native SAP Business One integration. Scroll to the logo and click on it. By default, the name for your template will be “MyMailChimpTemplate,” but you can change it at any time.

sap mailchimp template

3) Connect MailChimp Using Set Connectivity Configuration

After you establish your template, you can introduce your SAP Business One System ID and your MailChimp credentials into the Set Connectivity menu. Select Next to begin the process of integrating MailChimp into SAP. You will have to test the connection for both SAP and MailChimp before moving on.

4) Start the Deployment

Click on Start Deployment to connect the two platforms to one another. When the system is ready, you may click on Deploy Now. You can verify the MailChimp feature integration in SAP by going back to the Template screen and checking for a green chain link icon. You will see a MailChimp database script execute the first time you log in after deploying the integration. It will ask you to restart SAP Business One after it finishes.

For more detailed step-by-step instructions, check out the tutorial video here.

How to Activate Email Automation in SAP

Once you have signed into SAP Business One with MailChimp fully integrated, you can activate email automation by going to the Users – Setup menu and filling in your user code and email data in the fields it presents to you. You can do this automatically using the Find button. Verify the results and move to General Settings so you can set a specific attachments folder for SAP B1 to use.

sap b1 mailchimp check

You can also set up MailChimp activation in SAP’s print preferences menu. Your default email gateway should be set automatically to MailChimp.

If it isn’t, go ahead and change it before moving on to the Documents folder, where you can select checkboxes for Send Email Via Hub and Send Email To All Business Partners, if you wish.

In this menu, you can also select from a broad range of email templates provided by MailChimp, including Sales Quotation forms, down payment forms, inventory forms, and more.

Be sure to fill out the Business Partner Master Data form and notice a new checkbox: “Send Marketing Document Notifications Via HUB. You may now send email notifications to contact persons located in this list, using MailChimp features directly through the SAP Business One interface.

sap settings mailchimp

Follow the SAP Business One Community blog page as we continue the SAP Business One Integration Hub Series!

By |2023-05-25T11:39:49+10:00May 25th, 2023|Categories: Education, Technology|0 Comments

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