It has been a while since I implemented my first event-driven scenario in SAP Business One. Ever since I started, I came across an “ocean” of possibilities/Platforms/Services that offer pretty much the same approach on how to achieve that, each of which has its own Pros and Cons.
There is no doubt that the industry is well developed and can offer numerous ways of getting things done, and I am a bit “overzealous” when it comes to learning new technologies (after all, it is our bread & butter). But whenever I sit down to write down a project design, I try to stick to the “One-Stop” approach, where opting for reusing tools and services embedded within the B1 application itself would probably be at the top of my list.
These tools have been out there ever since and have scaled up throughout the years and not only haven’t been deprecated but have also expanded their capabilities and performances.
Don’t get me wrong; I do think that the SAP BTP Platform, for instance, provides endless possibilities when it comes to consuming REST Web Services that can interact with our SAP systems and also allows for reusing some of the most powerful connectors to integrate with other SAP / Non-SAP systems, as well as to extend our business applications and business processes. The SAP BTP also utilises cutting-edge services such as AI Builders and Fiori Apps tools. So the purpose here is not to knock down the SAP BTP, which rightfully earned its place, but merely to state that the SAP BTP is not the only game in town.
Nevertheless, those of you who tried navigating through this ocean of data exposed on top of the SAP BTP platform probably realized by now that the BTP is very much S4/HANA oriented and is not specifically tailored for SAP Business One developers.
On top of it, the BTP presents some evident shortfalls:
- Long and tedious setup -adding a subscription/Instance/entitlement will cost you time, and in most cases, you wouldn’t get it right the first time
- Pricing tiers are just not suitable for SMB clients. As long as you are using the “Free” subscription for non-productive environments, you should be fine, but once you transition into the “Pay-As-You-Go” subscription tiers and go into production,in most cases, it would become an “overkill” for any SMB-based project and also rather costly.
- It has no built-in awareness of the B1 objects. We can use it and call it like we would use any other API to make it “aware” of what we are looking to get.
So let’s get right to it – how do we implement an Event Forwarding Scenario and use the information we get to trigger/build other B1-related solutions without overcomplicating things?
Typically, we would need to do the following:
- Set up an SAP Event Mesh instance on BTP
- Having an SAP CAP Application to handle the events in BTP (usually used for building enterprise-grade services and applications, which again, is “swinging for the fence” when it comes to SAP B1)
- We would need to code an auxiliary step to retrieve the Token in order to authenticate against the SAP Event Mesh instance on the SAP BTP Platform.
The architectural overview would look like the following:
What if I told you that we can skip the part where we subscribe to the BTP and go straight to our B1 Integration framework (B1If) to consume those events and further utilize them to extend our B1 application behaviour using Microsoft Azure?
Assuming you have the B1iF installed and set up correctly in your environment, you are off to a good start.
I would strongly advise you to consider taking the following steps to ensure that you fully comply with all the prerequisites:
- Setting up the B1iF development environment.
- Understanding B1iF basics and technical overview.
- Setting up your company’s SLD configuration.
- Configure connectivity to the B1 Service Layer (we wouldn’t want to rely solely on the DI-API, which is the “old generation” of extension API for consuming SAP Business One data and services)
** If you are experiencing any issues with configuring the B1iF, please feel free to reach out to me, and I will be happy to provide guidance and support**
Lastly, we would want to set up our B1iF Event Sender to start firing events.
B1iF best practices dictate that we adhere to the following:
1)Make sure you access the Integration Framework 2.0 Instead of 1.0:
This comes with several key benefits:
- Comes in addition to the integration framework – all programming models can run simultaneously in parallel.
- Optimized for cloud computing
- Inbuilt multi-tenancy − More flexibility in scenario deployments
- Built to address all integration developers
- Higher flexibility
- More control and transparency when developing integration content
- “Classical” developers feel more comfortable because of the new browser-based IDE
- Up to 10 times faster – runs directly on top of the integration platform
- Does not replace the current programming model Migration of existing scenario packages not required, unless you want to make use of multi-tenancy in cloud environments
2. Make sure all your SLD connections test OK:
Having one of these connections broken will compromise the process and disallow communication with your HANA server / Service Layer later on, so you would want to make sure they are all clear and, in case they don’t, to reconfigure your connection strings.
3) Make sure to filter B1i events by navigating to Maintenance -> B1 Event Filter and checking the “B1i User Filter Switched On” -this will ensure you get rid of all those system events you are not looking to listen to
Note that you can also include that configuration on version 1.X by accessing it directly from version 2.0 (under Tools ->Version 1) and navigating to the Event Sender Wizard.
This is where you would also want to include your B1 Object IDs for all those objects you wish to get events for
You can find the complete list of B1 objects at the end of this thread
Alternatively, you can retrieve that value straight from the B1 application by launching the Query Generator and selecting the “<table_name>”.” ObjType” column:
4) The most important step is to test that YOUR events are NOT being filtered out but rather relayed to the B1 Event Monitor when triggering your scenario.
In my case, I simply created a Business Partner and refreshed the display to see that B1iF was able to catch the event:
Note: The test run will only be successful if you make sure to add a new deployment to the “Deployment Panel” of your scenario and assign a valid Sender/Receiver system from your SLD– that pane is the new (and cool!) feature in version 2.0 that allows you to get one single overview of all your scenario artefacts.
Once we know for a fact that our Event Sender is properly processing our events, we can proceed with building our scenario in BizFlow.
Now, it is important that we fully understand what we are trying to achieve here:
We just want B1iF to forward every event that meets our filtering criteria to an external HTTP WebHook-based workflow in the form of an XML payload from which we can then parse and retrieve data.
That’s all there is to it!
If you ask yourselves ‘Why?’, then the answer is pretty straightforward:
With Azure Logic Apps and the built-in HTTP Webhook connector, we can create automated tasks and workflows that subscribe to a service endpoint by registering a callback URL, wait for specific events, and run based on those events, rather than regularly checking or polling that endpoint.
This is particularly useful and beneficial in cases where PaaS (Platforms as a Service) like Microsoft-Azure charge you per execution.
Just imagine how many executions will be triggered within a 24-hour timeframe when a workflow is scheduled to run every 15 minutes (96 executions) vs 3 executions for those 3 new Business Partners you created when the workflow is only triggered right after the Business Partner record is added to the B1 database.
This directly impacts consumption and, consequently, how much you will be charged at the end of the month.
Having said that, I will cover the Logic App side of our project during the next part of this blog.
Let’s first finalize our scenario and scenario steps.
Our BizFlow diagram will be a relatively simple one:
We are looking at a typical ‘Asynchronous’ process mode where the event is fired, fetched and then relayed to the Inbound Atom, where it is then transformed via an XSLT Atom to be used in our HTTPCall Atom.
Keep in mind that B1iF always processes the data internally as XML so, in our case, we just wish to grab the XML representation of our event from the Sender System (Event Sender) and use it as part of our HTTP Call Body.
A good way of analyzing the structure of the messages during runtime is to use the B1iF Debugger:
Our XSL transformation Atom will only need to be adjusted to fetch the Incoming XML payload of the B1 Event, where an XPATH expression will then be added to our HTTPCall Atom to.
We will return to our HttpCall Atom after we conclude our Logic App (WebHook) discussion in Part 2 of this blog.
Let’s summarize what we have accomplished so far:
- We have presented our main topic – Event Creation and Forwarding in SAP Business One
- We covered some of the most common ways to achieve event handling while outlining the Pros and Cons of each approach.
- We went through some of the basic settings and configurations of the SAP Business One Integration Framework
- We covered the new B1iF version 2.0 enhancements
- We had a detailed overview of the Event Sender setup and learned how to successfully set filtering criteria for B1 Objects we wish to get events for
- We learned how to deploy a development via the “Deployment Panel “ of our scenario and assign an SLD sender/receiver system.
- We discussed HTTP WebHooks and understood how they play a significant role in reducing the number of workflow executions that will ultimately affect our billing.
- We went through the various scenario steps to receive an Inbound message ( event ), then process and transform it, and further prepare it for the HTTPCall Atom.
Join us on the SAP Business One Community Blog page for Part 2 of Implementing an Event-Forwarding Mechanism using SAP Business One B1iF and Microsoft Azure.
List of SAP Business One Object Types
Table | Table description | Primary Key | Object Type |
OACT | G/L Accounts | AcctCode | 1 |
OCRD | Business Partner | CardCode | 2 |
ODSC | Bank Codes | AbsEntry | 3 |
OITM | Items | ItemCode | 4 |
OVTG | Tax Definition | Code | 5 |
OPLN | Price Lists | ListNum | 6 |
OSPP | Special Prices | CardCode, ItemCode | 7 |
OITG | Item Properties | ItmsTypCod | 8 |
ORTM | Rate Differences | LineNum, IsSysCurr | 9 |
OCRG | Card Groups | GroupCode | 10 |
OCPR | Contact Persons | CntctCode | 11 |
OUSR | Users | USERID | 12 |
OINV | A/R Invoice | DocEntry | 13 |
ORIN | A/R Credit Memo | DocEntry | 14 |
ODLN | Delivery | DocEntry | 15 |
ORDN | Returns | DocEntry | 16 |
ORDR | Sales Order | DocEntry | 17 |
OPCH | A/P Invoice | DocEntry | 18 |
ORPC | A/P Credit Memo | DocEntry | 19 |
OPDN | Goods Receipt PO | DocEntry | 20 |
ORPD | Goods Return | DocEntry | 21 |
OPOR | Purchase Order | DocEntry | 22 |
OQUT | Sales Quotation | DocEntry | 23 |
ORCT | Incoming Payment | DocEntry | 24 |
ODPS | Deposit | DeposId | 25 |
OMTH | Reconciliation History | MthAcctCod, IsInternal, MatchNum | 26 |
OCHH | Check Register | CheckKey | 27 |
OBTF | Journal Voucher Entry | BatchNum, TransId | 28 |
OBTD | Journal Vouchers List | BatchNum | 29 |
OJDT | Journal Entry | TransId | 30 |
OITW | Items – Warehouse | ItemCode, WhsCode | 31 |
OADP | Print Preferences | PrintId | 32 |
OCLG | Activities | ClgCode | 33 |
ORCR | Recurring Postings | RcurCode, Instance | 34 |
ONNM | Document Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 35 |
OCRC | Credit Cards | CreditCard | 36 |
OCRN | Currency Codes | CurrCode | 37 |
OIDX | CPI Codes | IdexCode | 38 |
OADM | Administration | Code | 39 |
OCTG | Payment Terms | GroupNum | 40 |
OPRF | Preferences | FormNumber, UserSign | 41 |
OBNK | External Bank Statement Received | AcctCode, Sequence | 42 |
OMRC | Manufacturers | FirmCode | 43 |
OCQG | Card Properties | GroupCode | 44 |
OTRC | Journal Entry Codes | TrnsCode | 45 |
OVPM | Outgoing Payments | DocEntry | 46 |
OSRL | Serial Numbers | ItemCode, SerialNum | 47 |
OALC | Loading Expenses | AlcCode | 48 |
OSHP | Delivery Types | TrnspCode | 49 |
OLGT | Length Units | UnitCode | 50 |
OWGT | Weight Units | UnitCode | 51 |
OITB | Item Groups | ItmsGrpCod | 52 |
OSLP | Sales Employee | SlpCode | 53 |
OFLT | Report – Selection Criteria | FormNum, UserSign, FilterName | 54 |
OTRT | Posting Templates | TrtCode | 55 |
OARG | Customs Groups | CstGrpCode | 56 |
OCHO | Checks for Payment | CheckKey | 57 |
OINM | Whse Journal | TransNum, Instance | 58 |
OIGN | Goods Receipt | DocEntry | 59 |
OIGE | Goods Issue | DocEntry | 60 |
OPRC | Cost Center | PrcCode | 61 |
OOCR | Cost Rate | OcrCode | 62 |
OPRJ | Project Codes | PrjCode | 63 |
OWHS | Warehouses | WhsCode | 64 |
OCOG | Commission Groups | GroupCode | 65 |
OITT | Product Tree | Code | 66 |
OWTR | Inventory Transfer | DocEntry | 67 |
OWKO | Production Instructions | OrderNum | 68 |
OIPF | Landed Costs | DocEntry | 69 |
OCRP | Payment Methods | CrTypeCode | 70 |
OCDT | Credit Card Payment | Code | 71 |
OCRH | Credit Card Management | AbsId, Instance | 72 |
OSCN | Customer/Vendor Cat. No. | ItemCode, CardCode, Substitute | 73 |
OCRV | Credit Payments | AbsId, PayId, Instance | 74 |
ORTT | CPI and FC Rates | RateDate, Currency | 75 |
ODPT | Postdated Deposit | DeposId | 76 |
OBGT | Budget | AbsId | 77 |
OBGD | Budget Cost Assess. Mthd | BgdCode | 78 |
ORCN | Retail Chains | ChainCode | 79 |
OALT | Alerts Template | Code | 80 |
OALR | Alerts | Code | 81 |
OAIB | Received Alerts | AlertCode, UserSign | 82 |
OAOB | Message Sent | AlertCode, UserSign | 83 |
OCLS | Activity Subjects | Code | 84 |
OSPG | Special Prices for Groups | CardCode, ObjType, ObjKey | 85 |
SPRG | Application Start | LineNum, UserCode | 86 |
OMLS | Distribution List | Code | 87 |
OENT | Shipping Types | DocEntry | 88 |
OSAL | Outgoing | DocEntry | 89 |
OTRA | Transition | DocEntry | 90 |
OBGS | Budget Scenario | AbsId | 91 |
OIRT | Interest Prices | Numerator | 92 |
OUDG | User Defaults | Code | 93 |
OSRI | Serial Numbers for Items | ItemCode, SysSerial | 94 |
OFRT | Financial Report Templates | AbsId | 95 |
OFRC | Financial Report Categories | TemplateId, CatId | 96 |
OOPR | Opportunity | OpprId | 97 |
OOIN | Interest | Num | 98 |
OOIR | Interest Level | Num | 99 |
OOSR | Information Source | Num | 100 |
OOST | Opportunity Stage | Num | 101 |
OOFR | Defect Cause | Num | 102 |
OCLT | Activity Types | Code | 103 |
OCLO | Meetings Location | Code | 104 |
OISR | Service Calls | RequestNum | 105 |
OIBT | Batch No. for Item | ItemCode, BatchNum, WhsCode | 106 |
OALI | Alternative Items 2 | OrigItem, AltItem | 107 |
OPRT | Partners | PrtId | 108 |
OCMT | Competitors | CompetId | 109 |
OUVV | User Validations | IndexID, LineNum | 110 |
OFPR | Posting Period | AbsEntry | 111 |
ODRF | Drafts | DocEntry | 112 |
OSRD | Batches and Serial Numbers | ItemCode, DocType, DocEntry, DocLineNum | 113 |
OUDC | User Display Cat. | CodeID | 114 |
OPVL | Lender – Pelecard | Code | 115 |
ODDT | Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy | Numerator | 116 |
ODDG | Withholding Tax Deduction Groups | Numerator | 117 |
OUBR | Branches | Code | 118 |
OUDP | Departments | Code | 119 |
OWST | Confirmation Level | WstCode | 120 |
OWTM | Approval Templates | WtmCode | 121 |
OWDD | Docs. for Confirmation | WddCode | 122 |
OCHD | Checks for Payment Drafts | CheckKey | 123 |
CINF | Company Info | Version | 124 |
OEXD | Freight Setup | ExpnsCode | 125 |
OSTA | Sales Tax Authorities | Code, Type | 126 |
OSTT | Sales Tax Authorities Type | AbsId | 127 |
OSTC | Sales Tax Codes | Code | 128 |
OCRY | Countries | Code | 129 |
OCST | States | Country, Code | 130 |
OADF | Address Formats | Code | 131 |
OCIN | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 132 |
OCDC | Cash Discount | Code | 133 |
OQCN | Query Catagories | CategoryId | 134 |
OIND | Triangular Deal | Code | 135 |
ODMW | Data Migration | Code | 136 |
OCSTN | Workstation ID | Code | 137 |
OIDC | Indicator | Code | 138 |
OGSP | Goods Shipment | Code | 139 |
OPDF | Payment Draft | DocEntry | 140 |
OQWZ | Query Wizard | Code | 141 |
OASG | Account Segmentation | AbsId | 142 |
OASC | Account Segmentation Categories | SegmentId, Code | 143 |
OLCT | Location | Code | 144 |
OTNN | 1099 Forms | FormCode | 145 |
OCYC | Cycle | Code | 146 |
OPYM | Payment Methods for Payment Wizard | PayMethCod | 147 |
OTOB | 1099 Opening Balance | VendCode, Form1099, Box1099 | 148 |
ORIT | Dunning Interest Rate | Code | 149 |
OBPP | BP Priorities | PrioCode | 150 |
ODUN | Dunning Letters | LineNum | 151 |
CUFD | User Fields – Description | TableID, FieldID | 152 |
OUTB | User Tables | TableName | 153 |
OCUMI | My Menu Items | UserSign , Id_ | 154 |
OPYD | Payment Run | Code | 155 |
OPKL | Pick List | AbsEntry | 156 |
OPWZ | Payment Wizard | IdNumber | 157 |
OPEX | Payment Results Table | AbsEntry | 158 |
OPYB | Payment Block | AbsEntry | 159 |
OUQR | Queries | IntrnalKey, Qcategory | 160 |
OCBI | Central Bank Ind. | Indicator | 161 |
OMRV | Inventory Revaluation | DocEntry | 162 |
OCPI | A/P Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 163 |
OCPV | A/P Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 164 |
OCSI | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 165 |
OCSV | A/R Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 166 |
OSCS | Service Call Statuses | statusID | 167 |
OSCT | Service Call Types | callTypeID | 168 |
OSCP | Service Call Problem Types | prblmTypID | 169 |
OCTT | Contract Template | TmpltName | 170 |
OHEM | Employees | empID | 171 |
OHTY | Employee Types | typeID | 172 |
OHST | Employee Status | statusID | 173 |
OHTR | Termination Reason | reasonID | 174 |
OHED | Education Types | edType | 175 |
OINS | Customer Equipment Card | insID | 176 |
OAGP | Agent Name | AgentCode | 177 |
OWHT | Withholding Tax | WTCode | 178 |
ORFL | Already Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports | DocEntry, ReportType, DocType, LineNum, TaxCode, OrdinalNum | 179 |
OVTR | Tax Report | AbsEntry | 180 |
OBOE | Bill of Exchange for Payment | BoeKey | 181 |
OBOT | Bill Of Exchang Transaction | AbsEntry | 182 |
OFRM | File Format | AbsEntry | 183 |
OPID | Period Indicator | Indicator | 184 |
ODOR | Doubtful Debts | AbsEntry | 185 |
OHLD | Holiday Table | HldCode | 186 |
OCRB | BP – Bank Account | Country, BankCode, Account, CardCode | 187 |
OSST | Service Call Solution Statuses | Number | 188 |
OSLT | Service Call Solutions | SltCode | 189 |
OCTR | Service Contracts | ContractID | 190 |
OSCL | Service Calls | callID | 191 |
OSCO | Service Call Origins | originID | 192 |
OUKD | User Key Description | TableName, KeyId | 193 |
OQUE | Queue | queueID | 194 |
OIWZ | Inflation Wizard | AbsEntry | 195 |
ODUT | Dunning Terms | TermCode | 196 |
ODWZ | Dunning Wizard | WizardId | 197 |
OFCT | Sales Forecast | AbsID | 198 |
OMSN | MRP Scenarios | AbsEntry | 199 |
OTER | Territories | territryID | 200 |
OOND | Industries | IndCode | 201 |
OWOR | Production Order | DocEntry | 202 |
ODPI | A/R Down Payment | DocEntry | 203 |
ODPO | A/P Down Payment | DocEntry | 204 |
OPKG | Package Types | PkgCode | 205 |
OUDO | User-Defined Object | Code | 206 |
ODOW | Data Ownership – Objects | Object, SubObject | 207 |
ODOX | Data Ownership – Exceptions | QueryId, Object, SubObject | 208 |
209 | |||
OHPS | Employee Position | posID | 210 |
OHTM | Employee Teams | teamID | 211 |
OORL | Relationships | OrlCode | 212 |
ORCM | Recommendation Data | DocEntry | 213 |
OUPT | User Autorization Tree | AbsId | 214 |
OPDT | Predefined Text | AbsEntry | 215 |
OBOX | Box Definition | BoxCode, ReportType, BosCode | 216 |
OCLA | Activity Status | statusID | 217 |
OCHF | 312 | ObjName | 218 |
OCSHS | User-Defined Values | IndexID | 219 |
OACP | Periods Category | AbsEntry | 220 |
OATC | Attachments | AbsEntry | 221 |
OGFL | Grid Filter | FormID, GridID, UserCode | 222 |
OLNG | User Language Table | Code | 223 |
OMLT | Multi-Language Translation | TranEntry | 224 |
OAPA3 | 225 | ||
OAPA4 | 226 | ||
OAPA5 | 227 | ||
SDIS | Dynamic Interface (Strings) | FormId, ItemId, ColumnId, Language | 229 |
OSVR | Saved Reconciliations | acctCode | 230 |
DSC1 | House Bank Accounts | AbsEntry | 231 |
RDOC | Document | DocCode | 232 |
ODGP | Document Generation Parameter Sets | AbsEntry | 233 |
OMHD | #740 | AlertCode | 234 |
OACG | Account Category | AbsId | 238 |
OBCA | Bank Charges Allocation Codes | Code | 239 |
OCFT | Cash Flow Transactions – Rows | CFTId | 241 |
OCFW | Cash Flow Line Item | CFWId | 242 |
OBPL | Business Place | BPLId | 247 |
OJPE | Local Era Calendar | Code | 250 |
ODIM | Cost Accounting Dimension | DimCode | 251 |
OSCD | Service Code Table | AbsEntry | 254 |
OSGP | Service Group for Brazil | AbsEntry | 255 |
OMGP | Material Group | AbsEntry | 256 |
ONCM | NCM Code | AbsEntry | 257 |
OCFP | CFOP for Nota Fiscal | ID | 258 |
OTSC | CST Code for Nota Fiscal | ID | 259 |
OUSG | Usage of Nota Fiscal | ID | 260 |
OCDP | Closing Date Procedure | ClsDateNum | 261 |
ONFN | Nota Fiscal Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 263 |
ONFT | Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil) | AbsId | 264 |
OCNT | Counties | AbsId | 265 |
OTCD | Tax Code Determination | AbsId | 266 |
ODTY | BoE Document Type | AbsEntry | 267 |
OPTF | BoE Portfolio | AbsEntry | 268 |
OIST | BoE Instruction | AbsEntry | 269 |
OTPS | Tax Parameter | AbsId | 271 |
OTFC | Tax Type Combination | AbsId | 275 |
OFML | Tax Formula Master Table | AbsId | 276 |
OCNA | CNAE Code | AbsId | 278 |
OTSI | Sales Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 280 |
OTPI | Purchase Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 281 |
OCCD | Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers | CCDNum | 283 |
ORSC | Resources | ResCode | 290 |
ORSG | Resource Properties | ResTypCod | 291 |
ORSB | ResGrpCod | ResGrpCod | 292 |
RecordSet | 300 | ||
Bridge | 305 | ||
OITR | Internal Reconciliation | ReconNum | 321 |
OPOS | POS Master Data | EquipNo | 541 |
ODRF | Stock Transfer Draft | DocEntry | 1179 |
OMSG | Messaging Service Settings | USERID | 10000105 |
OBTN | Batch Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000044 |
OSRN | Serial Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000045 |
OIVK | IVL Vs OINM Keys | TransSeq | 10000062 |
OIQR | Inventory Posting | DocEntry | 10000071 |
OFYM | Financial Year Master | AbsId | 10000073 |
OSEC | Sections | AbsId | 10000074 |
OCSN | Certificate Series | AbsId | 10000075 |
ONOA | Nature of Assessee | AbsId | 10000077 |
RTYP | Document Type List | CODE | 10000196 |
OUGP | UoM Group | UgpEntry | 10000197 |
OUOM | UoM Master Data | UomEntry | 10000199 |
OBFC | Bin Field Configuration | AbsEntry | 10000203 |
OBAT | Bin Location Attribute | AbsEntry | 10000204 |
OBSL | Warehouse Sublevel | AbsEntry | 10000205 |
OBIN | Bin Location | AbsEntry | 10000206 |
ODNF | DNF Code | AbsEntry | 140000041 |
OUGR | Authorization Group | GroupId | 231000000 |
OEGP | E-Mail Group | EmlGrpCode | 234000004 |
OGPC | Government Payment Code | AbsId | 243000001 |
OIQI | Inventory Opening Balance | DocEntry | 310000001 |
OBTW | Batch Attributes in Location | AbsEntry | 310000008 |
OLLF | Legal List Format | AbsEntry | 410000005 |
OHET | Object: HR Employee Transfer | TransferID | 480000001 |
OTCX | Tax Code Determination | DocEntry | 540000005 |
OPQT | Purchase Quotation | DocEntry | 540000006 |
ORCP | Recurring Transaction Template | AbsEntry | 540000040 |
OCCT | Cost Center Type | CctCode | 540000042 |
OACR | Accrual Type | Code | 540000048 |
ONFM | Nota Fiscal Model | AbsEntry | 540000056 |
OBFI | Brazil Fuel Indexer | ID | 540000067 |
OBBI | Brazil Beverage Indexer | ID | 540000068 |
OCPT | Cockpit Main Table | AbsEntry | 1210000000 |
OWTQ | Inventory Transfer Request | DocEntry | 1250000001 |
OOAT | Blanket Agreement | AbsID | 1250000025 |
OKPI | Key Performance Indicator Package | AbsEntry | 1320000000 |
OTGG | Target Group | TargetCode | 1320000002 |
OCPN | Campaign | CpnNo | 1320000012 |
OROC | Retorno Operation Codes | AbsEntry | 1320000028 |
OPSC | Product Source Code | Code | 1320000039 |
ODTP | Fixed Assets Depreciation Types | Code | 1470000000 |
OADT | Fixed Assets Account Determination | Code | 1470000002 |
ODPA | Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas | Code | 1470000003 |
ODPP | Depreciation Type Pools | Code | 1470000004 |
OACS | Asset Classes | Code | 1470000032 |
OAGS | Asset Groups | Code | 1470000046 |
ODMC | G/L Account Determination Criteria – Inventory | DmcId | 1470000048 |
OACQ | Capitalization | DocEntry | 1470000049 |
OGAR | G/L Account Advanced Rules | AbsEntry | 1470000057 |
OACD | Credit Memo | DocEntry | 1470000060 |
OBCD | Bar Code Master Data | BcdEntry | 1470000062 |
OINC | Inventory Counting | DocEntry | 1470000065 |
OEDG | Discount Groups | AbsEntry | 1470000077 |
OCCS | Cycle Count Determination | WhsCode | 1470000092 |
OPRQ | Purchase Request | DocEntry | 1470000113 |
OWLS | Workflow – Task Details | TaskID | 1620000000 |
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